Wealden Wholefoods
Tel No 01892 783065 Email :- manager@wealdenwholefoods.co.uk

OPENING HOURS -- Mon - Sat inc.
Shop: 9.00 am - 5.15 pm (except Wed: 4.00 pm and Sat. 5.00 pm)

Cafe: 9.00 am - 4.30 pm (except Wed: 3.30 pm)
Tessa Besant

The Café

Linger awhile in our little café. Enjoy coffee,tea,cakes and tea-cakes or have a glass of organic wine with your light lunch. Local artists display their work adding to the ambience

The Cafe

Our Menu
Prices as at November 2017
Our specials are available on our Cafe Menu Board.

Cafe menu 2017